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Idaho Fish Report

Fish Lake Fishing Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Water clarity at Fish Lake has been deteriorating in the last week due to a budding algae bloom with the warmer temperatures last week and reservoir levels now at 52 percent. Reports from this past weekend indicated that trout fishing had slowed to about a trout per person fishing. With a slightly cooler weekend weather outlook, Fish Lake should still produce some stocked rainbow trout this weekend, and be a nice destination to camp. However, don’t expect it to be red hot like a few weeks ago.

Anglers are encouraged to report catches and send photos of larger spring Chinook or tiger trout to the local ODFW district office at 541-826-8774. Tiger trout must be released unharmed.

The popular Buoy 10 salmon fishery at the mouth of the Columbia River opens to Coho and Chinook fishing...... Read More