Idaho Fish Report
Buoy 10 Chinook season goes to Sept. 14
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
09/01/16 -- Recreational anglers will get an additional nine days to harvest Chinook salmon at the mouth of the Columbia River under a season extension approved today by fishery managers from Oregon and Washington.
Lower than expected catch rates at the mouth of the Columbia River prompted fishery managers from the two states to extend the Buoy 10 Chinook salmon season through Sept. 14. Retention of coho and steelhead is scheduled to remain open through Dec. 31.
The Buoy 10 Chinook fishery had been scheduled to close Sept. 6 but was extended based on data that showed Chinook harvest at only 45 percent of the preseason forecast. Season total catch projections total 21,600 Chinook compared to the preseason expectation of 48,500 Chinook.
The effective area is from Buoy 10 at the river mouth upstream to Tongue Point. The daily bag limit is two salmonids a day of which only one may be a Chinook. Chinook must be at least 24 inches long to be retained. The rules allow retention of up to one steelhead or two coho per day. Coho must be at least 16 inches long to be retained.
For more details about this and other in-season rule changes, please visit ODFW’s on-line Regulation Update Page and click on Columbia Zone