Idaho Fish Report
ODFW Weekly Recreational Report

First winter steelhead arrive in some coastal rivers
Thanksgiving is the traditional “start” of the winter steelhead fishing on many coastal rivers. Rains and higher water levels will bring fish into the rivers but the best fishing will be when water levels start to drop. Keep an eye on water levels and the weekly Recreation Report, and be ready to hit the water when conditions are right.
Late archery deer seasons in November
Bowhunters with an unfilled general season deer archery tag can hunt Nov. 12-Dec. 4 and Nov. 19-Dec. 11 in parts of western Oregon, see page 54 of the regs for details.
See elk herds in the meadows now at Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area
Elk viewing has been good at Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area. Best viewing has been in the mornings and evenings until dark. The elk breeding season or “rut” is over for the season and elk have gathered into larger groups. With the cooler and wetter weather, elk are spending more time in the open fields and recently some elk have been visible throughout day.
Start planning for 2017
The 2017 Big Game Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations are in stores this week and 2017 licenses and tags go on sale Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016.
Report big game hunt results by Jan. 31, 2017
Remember to complete a report for each 2016 deer, elk, bear, cougar and pronghorn tag you purchased—even if you didn’t hunt or weren’t successful. Report online at or call 1-866-947-6339.
Bear season is closing
Fall bear hunting season ends Nov. 30 in eastern Oregon and Dec. 31 in western Oregon.