Idaho Fish Report
ODFW Weekly Recreational Report

Ice fishing is heating up
(that’s the fishing, not the ice)
Recent reports of good ice fishing in several lake/reservoirs such as Diamond, Fish, Mann and Kinney lakes, Lake of the Woods, and Chickahominy and Bull Prairie reservoirs. Conditions can change rapidly, however, so always test current ice conditions before heading onto the ice. Check out this week’s Recreation Reports for other ice fishing opportunities.
Spring bear hunt application deadline is Feb. 10
Just over half of the 1st come, 1st serve SW Oregon spring bear tags have sold out as of today (Jan. 10).
Shotgun skills class this Saturday, Jan. 14 near Corvallis
ODFW will host a shotgun skills class on Jan. 14 at EE Wilson Wildlife Area from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. Pre-registration required, visit for more information.
Report big game hunt results by Jan. 31, 2017
Remember to complete a report for each 2016 deer, elk, bear, cougar and pronghorn tag you purchased—even if you didn’t hunt or weren’t successful. Report online at or call 1-866-947-6339.