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Idaho Fish Report

A and H Program Jan. 24 teleconference meeting to discuss new Coos Mtn TMA


The Access and Habitat Board will host a teleconference call on Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 9:30 a.m. to discuss a possible new Travel Management Area to be known as the Coos Mountain TMA within the Tioga Wildlife Management unit.

Members of the public can listen in by calling 1-877-336-1831 and entering passcode 804246.

Commercial timberland ownership in the area has shifted in recent years. The new TMA would provide “Welcome to Hunt” access on 63,000 acres so that hunters would have access to more private and public land in the area. TMAs typically involve some motor vehicle restrictions and help regulate access so private landowners are more willing to open their property to hunters.

The A and H program funds projects that provide hunter access and/or improve wildlife habitat on private land in Oregon. It’s funded by a $4 surcharge on hunting licenses and big game auction and raffle tag sales.

Rogue Valley anglers passionate about fishing have an opportunity to become a volunteer fishing instructor for the Oregon Department of...... Read More