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Idaho Fish Report

GO FISH Clinic at Lahontan Reservoir on Saturday (7/28) from 4pm-8pm

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Join NDOW staff and volunteers for our first GO FISH clinic at Lahontan Reservoir on Saturday (7/28) from 4pm-8pm. Fishing has been excellent for carp in the afternoons and both white and wiper hybrid bass in the evenings. We’ll have all the needed loaner equipment and tackle, NDOW swag, tackle giveaways, fly giveaways, and free advice from local fly fishing guides and NDOW staff. Just show up with as little as a Nevada fishing license and we’ve got the rest covered!

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 25th, 2018
Lake Mead: Catfish are Biting on Almost Anything!
Lake Mohave: Striper fishing has been good,
Colorado River - Laughlin: Rainbow Trout are Hitting Spinners or PowerBait!
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Urban Ponds Fishing Report!
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Reports of Big Trout Coming out of Dacey!
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Action is Good for Bass and Crappie!
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Center of the Lake the Best Fishing Spot!

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 18th, 2018
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Action off the Dam has Been Good!
Lahontan Reservoir: Lahontan Wiper Update