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Idaho Fish Report

Trout Action and Has Been Very Good Around the Lake

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

The nighttime temperatures have been dropping into the teens which has stimulated trout action and has been very good around the lake with the fish taking Powerbait in orange, green or rainbow colorations, along with small spinning lures, spoons, and flies.  Gold ribbed hares ear nymphs are working very well along the dam.  With the chilling waters the bass and crappie have really slowed down.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 17th, 2018
Lake Mead: Boulder Basin Continues to be a Hotspot
Lake Mohave: Fair Success Working the Coves.
Colorado River - Laughlin: Trout Imitation Lures to Catch Stripers
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: tTrout Plants Will Begin in November
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Kirch Wildlife Managment Area Report

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