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Idaho Fish Report

Live Shad are the Key to Catching Striped Bass

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Sunny skies are in the forecast heading into the weekend. Live shad are the key to catching striped bass. You can find the baitfish in Vegas Wash area, but threadfin shad seem to outnumber gizzard shad. Anglers trolling with lures in the Boulder Basin are using Shad Raps and Spinnows.

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Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, February 13th, 2019
Lake Mead: Stripers at Depths of About 80 feet
Lake Mohave: Mornings are Proving the Best Time to Catch Trout
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Rainbows are Taking PowerBait in a Variety of Colors
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Some Places Warm Springs Feed the Reservoirs
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Action for Rainbow Trout Good
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Expect Thin Ice Around the Shoreline in the Mornings