Idaho Fish Report
Fishing Continues to Be Good

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Lost Creek was stocked the week of May 13 with 10,000 legal-size trout and 1,500 pounders to complement previous stocking this year. There should still be good populations of holdover fish from last year as well.
Recent reports indicate the fishing continues to be good for trolling and bank angling. Bank anglers have reported success at the spillway access point. Last weekend fishing was reportedly good with large trout caught trolling between the Takelma boat ramp and Stewart State Park. Additional reports indicate trolling under Peyton Bridge continues to be good as well. The lake is 97 percent full and both ramps are usable.
Some of the trout have external parasites called copepods. Fish parasites generally do not pose a threat to humans when fish are cooked, and copepods can be scraped off prior to cooking. Anglers are encourage to keep fish that have copepods while staying within the daily limit, since release simply allows the parasite to expand to other hosts.