Idaho Fish Report
Operation Dry Water 2019

by Nevada Department of Wildlife
Nevada Department of Wildlife wardens and local law enforcement officers across the state will be on heightened alert for people boating under the influence from July 5 through July 7. This effort is part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign.
In this week's Nevada Wild, NDOW's Ashley Sanchez and Aaron Keller sit down with Boating Education Coordinator Aaron Meier and Boating Law Administrator Captain Brian Bowles to talk about Operation Dry Water, and why it's such an important campaign. Bowles also talks about his vision for NDOW's boating program moving forward.
Nevada Wild is available for download on SoundCloud and iTunes. It also airs on 99.1 FM Talk at 10 a.m. every Sunday morning in Northern Nevada and live online. Southern Nevada listeners can hear Nevada Wild on the Highway Vibe at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings