Idaho Fish Report
Summer Steelhead Numbers Are Building

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Fishing for hatchery rainbow trout opened May 22.
Reportedly last weekend, a large group of Chinook came out of the canyon and some were caught around Galice. Expect these fish to move quickly through this section of river so focus on migration lanes or holding pools early in the morning.
Summer steelhead numbers are building through this section so might be a good time to try catching one.
Popular floats include: Gold Hill to Rogue River, Baker to Lathrop or Ferry Hole, or Griffin Park to Robertson Bridge.
Boaters floating from Hog Creek to Graves Creek should be familiar with the rapids in this section of river, and know their takeouts. Experienced oarsmen/woman are recommended here. There are many BLM public access points to bank fish from Hog Creek to Graves Creek. This is often referred to the “Galice area”.
As of Wednesday morning, the flow in Grants Pass was approximately 1,600 cfs. River clarity is currently 2 NTUs. For those interested in checking conditions before getting on the river, the City of Grants Pass Water Division’s website offers information on river conditions at Grants Pass as well as a link to a river camera.