Idaho Fish Report

Fishing Continues To Improve

Photo Credit: Courtesy of NDOW

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Fishing has slowed down some with the extreme heat but will pick up fall creeps in. Fishing will just continue to improve with good water conditions and the fall temperatures. Spin Fisherman are finding that Rapala minnow imitations are working well in addition to larger brightly colored jigs. Fly Fisherman are picking up an occasional walleye or bass on chartreuse woolly buggers or clouser minnows near the dam.

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

Lake Mead: 28 Pound Striper Catch
Lake Mohave: Stripers and Catfish Are Biting Throughout the Lake
Colorado River - Laughlin: Anglers Catching a Variety of Fish
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Las Vegas Urban Ponds Fishing Report
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Fishing Action Has Been Good
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Eagle Valley Reservoir Fishing Report
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Echo Canyon Fishing Report
NDOW Southern Fishing Report