Idaho Fish Report
Wildhorse Reservoir Fishing Report

by Nevada Department of Wildlife
Not much change here with the high-pressure system parked over much of the west keeping Nevada warm and dry. There is a bit of a cooling trend in the forecast with a very slight chance of precipitation. Surface water temperatures are still in the 40’s though Hendricks and Penrod Arms east of the highway are frozen. The backs of some of the coves on the main body of the lake have a bit of ice in the morning but are still accessible for fishing. Trout fishing has been good while bass fishing is slow though a couple of large bass have been reported. Trout are cruising the shallows making shore fishing more productive. The Penrod Arm has been the popular place for anglers as it has been producing trout, perch and a few bass. However, trout are being caught in many areas, so if you have a favorite spot, try it first. Trolling from a boat with minnow imitators has been productive for trout. This is also the time of year when midges become one of the few invertebrates that are hatching, so fly rodders should enjoy some success fishing chironomid patterns. Black balanced leeches with some blue flash have been productive. Of course, the standby wooly buggers, leech patterns, hares ears, prince nymphs and copper Johns should all work as well. Chartreuse PowerBait, perch colored minnow imitations and black or dark green spinners with gold or yellow spots should be tried by spin fishermen. One wiper or black bass 15 inches or longer may be kept. Fishing in the stream below the dam is still good. The campground is open and on a first come first served basis.