Idaho Fish Report
Crane Prairie Reservoir Report

by The Fly Fishers Place
At Crane, the ramps (without docks) are snow free at Rock Creek, Quinn and near the Resort.
The Deschutes County Sheriff Marine Patrol is doing boat checks many mornings randomly at these ramps. Be prepared with your PFD’s, Boaters Safety Card, Fishing Lic, Throwable, Fire Extinguisher and Sounding Device.
Once you’re on the lake, be prepared with red chironomids! Also black and olive and chromies. The prolific midge hatch has already begun, so bring a bug net and a buff and probably sungloves.
Leeches on an Intermediate line or jig style or balanced under an indicator are likely to rock too. So far, my friends who’ve been are only saying chironomids, but c’mon, Crane is one of the best leech lakes we have!