Idaho Fish Report
Columbia River mainstem below Highway 395 salmon fishery update
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Extends season for Chinook and re-opens steelhead retention.
Effective date: July 16 through July 31, 2020.
Species affected: Chinook and steelhead.
Location: Columbia River, from a line projected from Rocky Point on the Washington bank through Red Buoy 44 to red navigation marker 2 at Tongue point on the Oregon bank upstream to Highway 395 Bridge at Pasco.
Rules: Salmon and steelhead; daily limit 6, up to 2 hatchery adults may be retained, of which no more than 1 may be a steelhead. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook. Release wild steelhead.
Reason for action: The upper Columbia River summer Chinook run was updated to 65,000, with additional opportunity for harvest. No additional impacts on Snake River ESA-listed sockeye are expected to occur with this extension.
Additional information: Salmon and steelhead fishing remains closed through July 31 downstream of the Rocky Point/Tongue point line. Beginning Aug. 1, fall fisheries start and anglers are reminded to check the 2020-21 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for area-specific seasons and regulations.
After a brief closure, shad fishing is open in the Bonneville pool.
Fishery managers will continue to monitor returns to ensure that conservation goals are achieved.
Information contact: Region 5: 360-696-6211, Region 3: 509-575-2474.