Idaho Fish Report
Fishing is Really Good Right Now

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Fly Fishers's Place
by The Fly Fishers Place
I guided Hosmer Lake 3 days this week and fishing was really good. We left Sisters at 6 am to get to the lake and get ahead of the morning crowds. That worked awesome. Callibaetis emergence and spinner falls overlapped from about 9 to noon. The fish liked both but appeared to be more keyed on emergers. One day we had to go to 7x it was so calm.
Olive Balanced Leeches, PT, Callibaetis Nymphs, Scuds and small Red Ice Cream Cones were all good under the indicator.
Normally this time of year I have seen really good fishing in the lower lake on Adult Damsels. This week it was slow but there were some fish taking the blue dries. We will keep an eye open and hope that improves.