Idaho Fish Report
Fishing Well on Nymphs and Afternoon BWO Hatches

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Fly Fisher's Place
by The Fly Fishers Place
Crooked River is fishing well on nymphs and afternoon BWO hatches.
With the water low it is good wading and you should see BWO’s after noon hatching for an hour or 2.
Sparkle Duns and Knock Down Duns have been awesome at matching emergers and cripples. We sell this cool BWO dun called the Furminsky BDE Baetis. It may be the best ever Crooked River dry fly and it holds powder (floatant) really well so it is easy to keep up. Try it.
Scuds, Midges and little Mayfly nymphs are great. Euro style is effective as is a tiny piece of NZ Wool for your indicator.