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Idaho Fish Report

Adult salmon daily limit increased on the Kalama River

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Action: Increases the adult salmon daily limit to three hatchery fish.

Effective date: Nov. 19 through Dec. 31, 2020.

Species affected: Hatchery salmon.

Location: Kalama River, from the mouth to 1,000 feet below fishway at Kalama Falls Hatchery.

Rule: Salmon min. size 12”. Daily limit 6. Up to 3 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook and hatchery coho.

Reason for action: The current return of fall Chinook and coho salmon to the Kalama River has exceeded preseason expectations. Broodstock collection goals for several hatchery programs are on track to be met and additional fish are available for harvest.

Additional information: All other permanent rules published in the 2020-2021 Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet remain in effect.

Information contact: Matt Gardner, District Fish Biologist, (360) 906-6746.

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