Idaho Fish Report
Fishing Well Up to The Tubes & Above

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Fly Fishers Place
by The Fly Fishers Place
Fall River is fishing well from the Falls up to the Tubes and above, and from the Camp Ground to the Headwaters. BWO hatches in the afternoon will provide most of your action, but keep an eye out for midges and be ready to match that if you see it happening. Looking ahead, midging trout becomes very important in the winter (Dec, Jan and Feb) and you don’t want to be without some floating pupa and emerger patterns and some good adult midges too.
Nymphing is going to be your best method now. Think about heavy, but small nymphs to get in to the fish at their level. Perdigons, Zebra’s, Micro May’s, 2 Bit Hooker in Baetis colors and Eggs are the best picks.