Idaho Fish Report
Sturgeon retention closes in Bonneville Pool

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Closes retention of sturgeon.
Effective date: Jan. 8, 2021
Species affected: White sturgeon.
Location: From Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam.
Reason for action: Catches in the first week of fishing were much higher than expected. Creel data indicates harvest has surpassed the quota of 500 sturgeon.
Additional information: The Bonneville Pool remains open for catch-and-release fishing for sturgeon, as do many other stretches of the Columbia. In addition, the John Day Pool (between John Day Dam and McNary Dam) remains open to sturgeon retention as of Wednesday, Jan. 6.
Information contact: WDFW Region 5 office, 360-696-6211.