Idaho Fish Report
Wind River to close for salmon and steelhead angling

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Closes salmon and steelhead angling in the Wind River.
Effective date: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 until further notice.
Species affected: Salmon and steelhead.
Location: Wind River; from the mouth to 800 yards downstream of Carson National Fish Hatchery. The mouth of the Wind River is defined by the buoy line markers south of the Highway 14 bridge.
Rule: Effective March 16, 2021 until further notice, Salmon and Steelhead: Closed.
Reason for action: The preseason forecast of adult spring Chinook returning to the Wind River is below what is needed to meet hatchery broodstock goals at Carson National Fish Hatchery. Closing the Wind River will maximize the number of fish available for this hatchery program.
Additional information: WDFW will continue to monitor spring Chinook returns with co-managers and National Fish Hatchery staff to determine when fisheries may reopen. All other permanent rules remain in effect; please refer to the Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional information.
Information contact: Region 5, 360-696-6211.