Idaho Fish Report
Crooked River is Good But Will Be in Summer Flows Soon

by The Fly Fishers Place
Crooked River is good but I am very sure this will be the week the water goes up to Summer Flows. Watch the water. It is running 48 cfs out of the reservoir, and is about 1100 cfs coming in today! Good news for helping to fill that reservoir. The reservoir is only 53% full so it has a long way to fill.
Right now there is a good to very good afternoon hatch of BWO’s (#18). You’ll want the nymphs, emergers, cripples and duns to match it. The spinner fall is usually in the evening, but could happen in the morning so for those of you fishing early or late, or lucky enough to be camped and fishing all times of the day, tuck a few Harrops CDC Biot Spinners in the box too.
Midges are also very good now. Stages from Pupa to emergers and adults. A combo of a Zebra Midge on the point nymph and a Winkler on the dropper tag is awesome.
Scuds, small Euro Leeches, Flashback PT, Skinny Nelson, Micro Mayfly are great flies for the Crooked now and most fo the season until later in the Fall.
Still running our spring special for $350 for 1 to 3 anglers on a guided trip here!