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Idaho Fish Report

Mayfield Lake Stocked With Tiger Muskie

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

If you like to catch big fish, we're stocking your future fish right now! In the first photo, WDFW staff yesterday stocked Mayfield Lake near Mossyrock with tiger muskie. The second photo (courtesy of Michael Floyd) shows how big tiger muskie can get! These sterile fish are not only fun (and challenging) to catch but help control invasive fish like pike minnow, sucker, carp, and spiny ray. Minimum retention size in Washington is 50 inches. Around 6,000 tigers are stocked in seven lakes and reservoirs annually- Merwin, Mayfield, Tapps, Silver, Newman, Evergreen and Curlew lake. More info on tiger muskie and how to fish for them is at https://wdfw.wa.gov/.../esox-masquinongy-x-esox-lucius....

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