Idaho Fish Report
Section of North Fork Nooksack River to Reopen for Hatchery Spring Chinook

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Section of North Fork Nooksack River to reopen for hatchery spring Chinook
Action: Opens a section of the North Fork Nooksack River to salmon fishing and retention.
Effective date: June 18 through June 30, 2021.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: North Fork Nooksack River (Whatcom Co.) from the HWY 9 Bridge to the yellow marker at the upstream side of Kendall Hatchery.
Rule: Salmon: Min. size 12”. Daily limit 2. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook. Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect.
- Hatchery Chinook are identified by a clipped adipose fin with a healed scar.
Reason for action: Washington State has been given remaining unused wild Chinook impacts, or natural origin Chinook mortalities, from the completed Nooksack Indian tribal spring Chinook fishery. This transaction has been offered by the Nooksack Indian Tribe and cleared by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and all comanagers. With the additional allowable encounters, the sport fishery can reopen.
Additional information: The fishery may close early if maximum encounters are expected to be met. The temporary closure of the fishery allowed WDFW to fully assess total adipose present encounters.
The Nooksack Indian Tribe offered their remaining impacts to the state if it would help the state re-open its fishery. WDFW will continue to carefully monitor this sport fishery so future season opportunities are not jeopardized.
Anglers are asked to cooperate with creel personnel collecting catch information.
Information contact: Mill Creek Regional Office, (425) 775-1311