Idaho Fish Report
September is the time for youth-only upland game bird hunts

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
September is the time for youth-only upland game bird hunts, with great opportunities for kids to get familiar with hunting for pheasant in Eastern and Western Washington, California valley quail on the eastside, and gray partridge and chukar in Eastern Washington.
If a young hunter needs some how-to pointers, check out our blogs at for informative articles on hunting pheasant, partridge, and other upland game birds.
Below are the key dates for youth seasons for upland game bird hunting. For more information on the seasons, see the 2021 Washington Game Bird and Small Game Hunting Regulations:
We wish you a safe and successful hunting season!
( by Curt Lavender)
Western WA pheasant
Hunting open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
• Sept. 18-19 youth
Eastern WA pheasant
• Sept. 18-19 youth
California valley quail
• Sept. 18-19 Eastern WA youth
Gray partridge
• Sept. 18-19 Eastern WA youth
• Sept. 18-19 Eastern WA youth