Idaho Fish Report
Quillayute and Sol Duc rivers to reopen

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Reopen the Quillayute and Sol Duc rivers to fishing.
Effective date: Sept. 22, 2021, until further notice.
Species affected: All species.
Rules: Rules are as described in the 2021-2022 Washington Sportfishing Rules Pamphlet.
- Quillayute River (Clallam Co.), from Olympic National Park Boundary upstream to confluence of Bogachiel and Sol Duc rivers.
- Sol Duc River (Clallam Co.), from mouth to the Olympic National Park Boundary.
Reason for action: The opening of fisheries on the Quillayute and Sol Duc rivers was delayed to protect wild summer coho expected to return at an abundance of less than 300 adults. The Quillayute watershed has been experiencing record low flows and increased caution was needed to reduce impact from fisheries as coho stage in the lower river. There is rain in the forecast over the weekend and river levels are expected to rise enough to draw coho upriver from staging areas in the lower river.
Additional information: The Quileute Tribe will also be reopening fisheries on Monday. Please note that the Quillayute River is closed Mondays and Tuesdays in September to avoid gear conflicts with tribal net fisheries. The tribe will also be fishing in the Quillayute River on Wednesdays in September. Please be respectful of tribal fishermen exercising treaty rights.
Please see the 2020-21 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional rules or visit the WDFW website at and continue to check for emergency regulations in the affected area.
Information contact: Region 6 office, 360-249-4628