Idaho Fish Report
Skagit River salmon update

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Extends salmon seasons through Oct. 24. Closes all recreational fishing from Highway 9 to Baker River during dates listed.
Location: Skagit River (Skagit County).
Effective dates, locations, and rules:
- From Highway 9 at Sedro Woolley to the Baker River: The following dates are closed to all recreational fishing:
- Tuesday, Oct. 5 through Thursday, Oct. 7
- Tuesday, Oct. 12 through Thursday, Oct. 14
- Tuesday, Oct. 19 through Thursday, Oct. 21
- From the mouth of the Skagit to Cascade River Rd. (Marblemount Bridge): Salmon fishing is open (with the exception of the dates and area listed above) through Oct. 24, 2021:
Min. size 12”. Daily limit four, of which up to two may be coho. Release Chinook and chum. Night closure.
Species affected: All species.
Reason for action: The Skagit River will close to all fishing from Highway 9 to Baker River during the dates listed to avoid gear conflicts with treaty fisheries scheduled on these dates.
The Skagit River coho return is sufficient to allow for the recreational salmon season to extend through Oct. 24. The extension provides for some opportunity lost during the conflict-avoidance closures.
Additional information: Anglers are asked to respect tribal fishers and reminded to not interfere with tribal fisheries. Continued conflicts could lead to additional time and area closures.
Information contact: Mill Creek Regional Office, (425) 775-1311
Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on fishing seasons and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call 360-796-3215 or toll free 1-866-880-5431.
Individuals who need to receive this information in an alternative format, language, or who need reasonable accommodations to participate in WDFW-sponsored public meetings or other activities may contact the Title VI/ADA Compliance Coordinator by phone at 360-902-2349, TTY (711), or email ( For more information, see