Idaho Fish Report

NDOW Western Fishing Report

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Fishing has been tough at Bilk with exceptionally warm water. Look for bass fishing to improve closer to fall when temperatures drop some.

Fishing has been very good at Blue. Fly fisherman are finding that the typical damsel nymphs and small leech patterns have been very effective. Peacock bodied flies are also very effective at Blue. Sheep Creek Specials, Zug Bugs, and Prince nymphs are at the top of that list. Spin fisherman using small spinners have also done well this summer.
Fishing is slow on the Carson River due to low flows and warm water. Some bass may be found still in the deeper pools east of Carson City. 


Fishing has been fair for walleye, crappie, channel catfish and the occasional wiper.

Low flows are going to make fishing tough this winter on the East Walker. Currently we’re at 30 cfs with it likely to fall more before winter. Fish are definitely concentrated in the larger pools. Fly fisherman using small hoppers and caddis adults in the afternoons and evenings continue to catch a few fish. Fish are spooky so be sure to watch your shadows and keep your approach to the water quiet. 

Closed for the season.

Fishing has been fair at Knott. The reservoir continues to get better after the algae bloom in 2020.
Low water at Lahontan has made fishing good to fair. Fish are concentrated but can be challenging to find at times. The sandy beaches are still producing some white bass and bright flies and spinners.
A few reports of small macs with the colder temps. This is a good time of year to find larger rainbows and browns near the surface, making them accessible to shore anglers. Look for moving shadows early and late in the day around larger structure. Shore anglers are using smaller spinners for planted trout and larger spoons for larger rainbows and browns. Toplining for large rainbow and brown trout has also been productive in shallower water (less than 50 feet). 
Closed for the season

Closed for the season

Excellent reports coming from Onion. Definitely one of the best fishing reservoirs this season in Nevada. Catch rates continue to be excellent with some trout to 14”-16” reported recently. Spin fisherman using small spinner, jigs, and spoons are finding fish in deeper water and away from vegetation. Fly fisherman trolling woolly buggers and leech patterns behind float tubes in deeper water are hooking up all day long. Windless mornings and evenings have had plenty of fish feeding on the surface. The callibaetis mayfly and midge adults can be imitated pretty easily at onion with a parachute adams.
The cooler temperatures are starting to slow fishing at Rye Patch. This summer was one of the best for smallmouth bass at Rye Patch. Although it has slowed significantly, some smallmouth are still being reported in deeper water off points and around structure. Chartreuse and/or white flies and spinners continue to be the most productive colors. Low lake levels have made searching for fish one of the keys to success. Those willing to cover more water are finding more fish.
The main parking area remains closed at Spooner Lake for improvements. 

Fall is an excellent time to fish Squaw. Fishing can be productive through the winter months especially on the northwest portion of the reservoir where warm springs keep water temperatures up.  Fishing for rainbow and brown trout in the deeper portions of the reservoir in the winter can also be productive in areas free of ice. Anglers can get away with fairly large flies and lures during the prime fall months. Dark conehead woolly buggers are pretty hard to beat out of a boat near the dam through the fall and winter.

Topaz has been fair to slow for trout. Bass fishing has been good most of the summer and should continue to fish well into the fall.
The Truckee has hung on pretty well through the summer but now very low. Flows are roughly 50 cfs in Reno upstream to the stateline and 100 cfs east of Reno. If flows hang on fishing should be good this fall and winter east of town. Lockwood is an excellent place to fish the east Truckee River if you’ve never done it. Fly fisherman will find some caddis and hoppers typically out in the afternoons through most of October. Small dark nymphs under indicators or tight lined in the deeper runs can make for an awful fun fall afternoon. Spin fishing has been productive using small plugs and spoons. Fish will likely be concentrated, when you find one there’s likely more nearby. Bait fishing has been limited with the low water. Mayberry and Fisherman’s park are both good places to find some summer holdovers planters.
Many of the urban ponds in the western region have received a fall stocking. The summer vegetation covering many of the ponds is finally starting to back off making for much easier access. Marilyn’s pond and Baily pond have fished well through the summer and continue to get fish periodically as conditions allow. Kinney Pond and Mountain View pond have also received rainbow trout in the last few weeks and have fished well. Small worms off the bottom and salmon eggs on light leaders under a bobber remain the best bet for catching in most of the ponds.  
Walker Lake is currently near 50% of capacity and rising. An increase in the lake level is key to the fishery rebounding.

Fishing has been excellent this summer for both bass and trout at Wall Canyon reservoir. Access seems to be good for now and should stay that way unless we see some good rainfall or snow. The reservoir is fishing well at both the inlet and the dam with spoons and spinners. Jigs near deep drop-offs and off rocky points are still producing some good smallmouth bass. Trout will likely make up most of the catch as we really cool off for the season

Low water will making fishing tough in Washoe this fall and winter.