Idaho Fish Report
North end Fourth of July is starting to ice up

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Choose tight lines over long lines this Black Friday! In northeast Washington and the area around Spokane, winter-only rainbow trout lakes that open the day after Thanksgiving include Fourth of July Lake on the Lincoln/Adams county line, Hatch Lake, and Williams Lake in Stevens County, and Hog Canyon Lake in Spokane County. Pre-season sampling of Hog Canyon suggests catch rates will be good early in the winter, with fish caught ranging from 11 to 16 inches.
Fourth of July Lake had fish between 10 and 21 inches pulled in during pre-season sampling. Both lakes are clear of ice currently, so there is plenty of places to fish off the bank, although the north end Fourth of July was starting to ice up. Fourth of July also has pretty low water levels, which could make launching boats challenging.