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Idaho Fish Report

Salmon fishing temporarily closed in central Puget Sound to extend season

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

OLYMPIA – Fishery managers at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today a temporary pause in winter salmon fishing in central Puget Sound (Marine Area 10) to preserve opportunity later in the season. The closure goes into effect Friday, Jan. 14 until further notice.

Anglers in this fishery primarily target resident Chinook salmon known as “blackmouth”.

Estimates from catch sampling and creel surveys through Jan. 10 indicate that the fishery has reached 24% of total encounters, 25% of sublegal encounters, and 46% of unmarked encounters, which are the three fishery control metrics used to manage this fishery. Hitting 100% of any of these controls will lead to a full closure of the fishery.

“By suspending the MA-10 fishery now, we can preserve opportunities for later in the winter season, which members of the Puget Sound Sport Fishing Advisory Group have indicated is a priority for this fishery” said Kirsten Simonsen, Ph.D., the WDFW Puget Sound Recreational salmon biologist. “We know that anglers prefer to be on the water when the days are longer, the weather is more pleasant, and the fish are larger. That is what we are hoping to accomplish by pausing the fishery now.”

WDFW will continue to analyze test fishing data and meet with constituents to inform a reopening date.

More information about other Puget Sound salmon fishing opportunities is available on WDFW’s website at wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/management/north-falcon/summaries.

Anglers should check the Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet at wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations and WDFW’s emergency rules page at fortress.wa.gov/dfw/erules/efishrules/ before heading out and download the Fish Washington mobile app for up-to-date regulations at their destination.

Puget Sound salmon seasons are a result of an annual collaborative state and tribal salmon season-setting process known as North of Falcon. The public is invited to participate in this process in late winter each year.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.

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