Idaho Fish Report
WDFW to kick off coastal steelhead management long-term planning with Feb. 17 Ad-hoc Coastal Steelhead Advisory Group online meeting

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Public invited to attend first in series of 2022 Ad-hoc Coastal Steelhead Advisory Group meetings
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today the first meeting of its 12-member Ad-hoc Coastal Steelhead Advisory Group, which will help inform the development of a long-term management strategy for coastal steelhead as required by the Washington Legislature in the 2021-23 budget.
The proviso will outline WDFW’s approach to managing steelhead fisheries for each river system of Grays Harbor, Willapa Bay, and coastal Olympic Peninsula. The Department will submit that plan to the Legislature by the end of 2022.
“Representing a cross-section of coastal steelhead guides, research scientists, sport anglers, business owners, environmentalists, and others who are committed to coastal steelhead recovery, this advisory group is a critical part of the Department’s work to help protect steelhead all along the coast,” said Kelly Cunningham, director of WDFW’s Fish Program. “We’re looking forward to kicking off our work together and the added opportunities for public feedback that this long-term management planning process will provide.”
The virtual advisory group meeting, scheduled for 3 to 5 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 17, will include discussion of the proviso, a briefing on the advisory group process, and the status of steelhead in coastal watersheds. While meetings will focus on member discussion, meeting agendas will include time for public comment. Refer to the Ad-Hoc Coastal Steelhead Advisory Group web page for additional meeting details.
This ad-hoc advisory group is one component of extensive public engagement the Department has implemented regarding ongoing coastal steelhead management. For more information about coastal steelhead in Washington, and for other ways to share feedback as part of the annual season-setting process, visit
For more information about the Ad-hoc Coastal Steelhead Advisory Group, including a member roster, upcoming meeting details and meeting materials, visit
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish, wildlife, and recreational and commercial opportunities.