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Idaho Fish Report

Sturgeon retention season extended for The Dalles Pool

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Action: Extends the white sturgeon retention season in The Dalles Pool, remaining open for retention three days per week (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday).

Effective date: March 2 through March 30, 2022.

Species affected: White sturgeon. 

Location: From the Dalles Dam to John Day Dam and all adjacent Washington tributaries. 

Rule: Sturgeon retention open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays only; catch and release all other days.  

On days open to retention: Daily limit 1. Min. size 43” fork length. Max. size 54” fork length. 

Reason for action: Enough fish remain on the harvest guideline of 190 fish to extend the season. Creel data indicates we will reach the guideline by the closure date. 

Additional information: The Dalles Pool remains open for catch-and-release fishing for sturgeon on days not open to retention, as do many other stretches of the Columbia. Fishing for sturgeon at night is prohibited. 

Information contact: Region 5 office, 360-696-6211.