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Idaho Fish Report

Fishing is very slow

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Open all year. Fishing is very slow. Water clarity has been good for Upper Klamath Lake. Storms this week might reduce visibility. All of the lake is open water. Boats can launch at Howard Bay. The docks have not been installed. Boats can be launched at Rocky Point or Moore Park as well. Redband trout are scattered throughout Upper Klamath Lake. Very few redband trout are in the south end of the lake near Link River Dam.

Hagelstein Park boat ramp, restroom and day use is open. Please remember that nets or traps of any type cannot be used to catch any species of fish. This includes minnows to use for bait. See page 20 of the Sport Fishing Regulations for legal harvest methods for minnows and chubs.

ODFW encourages catch-and-release on this fishery due to record low spawning numbers in 2020 and very low numbers in 2019. Please fight your fish quickly and then release your fish immediately without removing it from the water. Releasing fish is easier with barbless hooks.  

The lake is 2.7 feet below full pool and 58 percent full.

Please remember that once you retain your one redband/rainbow trout limit you must stop fishing for redband/rainbow trout. Also, all radio tagged redband trout must be released unharmed. Redband trout will have what looks to be fishing line coming from the abdomen. These fish will be 6-20 inches long.

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022
Ana Reservoir: Fishing for hybrid bass has been successful for a few fishermen recently
Dog Lake: Ice is approximately 11 inches deep and fishing has been fair
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: Ice fishing has been excellent at times for small yellow perch
Chetco River: Recent rainfall has brought the river levels up
Cooper Creek Reservoir: A recent extra stocking of larger trout should make fishing for trout more productive
Coos River: The rain this week should finally get the river levels to rise
Coquille River: The rain this week should finally get the river levels to rise to more normal conditions
Galesville Reservoir: The boat ramp is usable and anglers are taking advantage of it
Rogue River- Lower: With recent rainstorms, fishing conditions have improved
Rogue River - Middle: Wild steelhead can now be retained above Hog Creek boat ramp
Rogue River- Upper: Best bets for the upper river would be concentrating on the area between Shady Cove and Touvelle
Sixes River: Current fishing conditions are good
Umpqua River: Steelhead fishing has slowed as the river has gotten low and clear
Winchuck River: Current conditions are great
Alsea River: Winter steelhead fishing is expected to pick up this week after some much needed rain
Kilchis River: The Kilchis River will be one of the first floatable rivers to come back into shape
Necanicum River: The hatchery winter steelhead run on the Necanicum River is about done
Nehalem River: The Nehalem went all the way into flood stage on Tuesday
Nestucca River: The Nestucca is high and off color but is on the drop
Siletz River: Winter steelhead fishing should pick up this week as the river starts to drop into shape
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead is expected to pick up as the river drops back into shape later this week
Trask River: The Trask is high and off color
Wilson River: The Wilson went all the way to flood stage on Tuesday
Imnaha River: Anglers have been catching some steelhead in the Imnaha River
John Day River: Steelhead fishing remains closed in rivers and streams within the John Day Basin
Wallowa Lake : Wallowa Lake currently has ice on it
Wallowa River: Steelhead anglers have been successful on the Wallowa River
Hills Creek Reservoir: Hills Creek Reservoir will be stocked this week for the first time this spring
Santiam River ( North Fork) : For the next few months things are going to be fairly quiet as far as fishing on the river goes
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 2,500 cfs at the Waterloo gage
Timber Linn Lake: It was stocked last week with about 950 hatchery trout

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