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Idaho Fish Report

Weed growth is down and all boat ramps are accessible

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Selmac received another stocking of 5,000 legal rainbow trout on April 6. Since mid-February, 16,000 trout have been stocked here. Anglers are reminded that daily limits are 5 rainbow trout and 1 bass per day.  

Weed growth is down and all boat ramps are accessible. Power bait from shore is probably a good bet. Trollers will want to fish small wedding rings tipped with a night crawler. Or troll a leech for some early season bass. Both trout and bass fishing should be very good, as there are very few weeds or crowds to deal with.  

Bluegill fishing from shore should be picking up with the warming weather. A small chironomid fly under a bobber, or very small piece of worm should pick up a few fish. This can be fun for the young anglers. As always, switching up fly colors is recommended. Afternoons will probably be best to target bluegill. 

The Resort at Lake Selmac is a great place to pick up a fishing license, bait, ice and snacks. Check them out. Camping is also available.

Lake Selmac facilities including most campgrounds, day use, and boat ramps are operated by Josephine County Parks are currently open. More information about Josephine County Parks can be found on their website.

Lake Selmac has its share of non-native aquatic hitchhikers. Boat owners should do their part to remove as much vegetation as possible while leaving the ramp, as well as drain and dry their vessel before using another waterbody. Lake Selmac has had a recent introduction of a non-native bryozoan. Bryozoans are mossy like creatures that usually help to clean water and that are not typically harmful to humans. However, this particular species has been known to harbor a disease that can be transmitted to salmon and steelhead. Please help stop the spread of Oregon’s aquatic hitchhikers!

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 7th, 2022
Umatilla River: Spring Chinook fishing to open on Umatilla River April 16
ODFW Recreation Report
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir remains at 12 percent full
John C Boyle Reservoir: Fishing is improving for warmwater fish as they move into the shallows
Upper Klamath Lake: ishing is slow but will improve in late April
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: The lake is mostly ice-free but with a very thin layer of ice in some areas
Pilcher Reservoir: The reservoir is now ice-free
North Fork Sprague River: Flows are high at 187 cfs
Wolf Creek Reservoir: The ice is gone from Wolf Creek Reservoir
Wood River: Fishing for brown trout should be good on opening day
Agate Lake: The reservoir has a good concrete boat launch and is 97 percent full
Applegate Reservoir: The lake elevation is now high enough that Copper boat ramp is now usable
Ben Irving Reservoir: Ben Irving was stocked with trout a couple weeks ago
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper was stocked two weeks ago, meaning there should be lots of trout available
Coos River: The winter steelhead fishing season is still officially open
Coquille River: The winter steelhead fishing season is still officially open
Diamond Lake: With a mix bag of weather its hard to say how the fishing will be at Diamond
Emigrant Reservoir: The reservoir is currently at 12 percent
Expo Pond: Expo pond received another 1,500 legal rainbow trout the week of April 4
Fish Lake : The reservoir is slowly filling
Floras Lake: Recently stocked, anglers could potentially pick up some nice-size rainbows or native resident cutthroat trout
Garrison Lake: Just last week, 500 trophy rainbow trout went in
Howard Prairie Reservoir: The lake has no ice, but access is limited
Hyatt Lake: Open water is available but the reservoir still extremely low
Illinois River: The Illinois is closed to trout and steelhead

THE DALLES, Ore.—ODFW has set the following regulations for a spring Chinook fishery on the Hood River: Open for adult hatchery...... Read More