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Idaho Fish Report

No reports of summer steelhead yet

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Wilson gets a hatchery summer steelhead run and those fish should be showing up this month, but we haven’t gotten any reports yet.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, May 12th, 2022
John Day River: Steelhead fishing remains closed in rivers and streams within the John Day Basin
Hood River: Spring Chinook fishing is currently open on the Hood River
Laurance Lake: The road to Laurance Lake is currently closed
Clackamas River: The river is high but dropping
Clear Lake: Will be stocked this week
Detroit Reservoir: Pretty much all techniques will catch fish
Green Peter Reservoir: This reservoir is filling with the recent rains
Hills Creek Reservoir: Hills Creek Reservoir was last stocked the week
Sandy River: The river is running high but dropping
Timber Linn Lake: Will be stocked this week
Nestucca River: Spring Chinook should be in the estuary and after recent higher flows
Siletz River: Conditions should improve as the river drops back into shape later this week
Trask River: The Trask River Spring Chinook are showing up
Diamond Lake: Anglers are still finding a few fish
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant received its first trout stocking of the season
Howard Prairie Reservoir: The lake is ice-free, but access is limited
Lemolo Lake: Lemolo is just a few feet from being full.
Lost Creek Lake: There are some very nice holdover fish available
John C Boyle Reservoir: Fishing should improve this weekend with warmer weather
Lofton Reservoir: The boat ramp Is accessible
Sycan River: Snow will limit access to the river above Sycan Marsh.
Thief Valley Reservoir: Thief Valley Reservoir is now full

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
Sheridan Pond: ODFW to host family fishing event at Sheridan Pond May 14
Columbia River: States set 2022 Columbia River summer/fall salmon and steelhead seasons