Idaho Fish Report
Anglers are doing well on spring Chinook
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Anglers are doing well on spring Chinook even with some record river flows. Summer steelhead should be ramping up as well. Recent reports show anglers catching throughout the river. Conditions are good and now is the time to go. ODFW will be watching the summer steelhead run very closely in 2022. Possible closures may come into effect if the run is predicted to be too low.
Remember only one wild spring Chinook adult per day and ten per season may be kept on the North in 2022. Anglers may still retain one additional salmon/steelhead per day if it’s a hatchery fish.
With the low population of summers in 2021, anglers are reminded to handle fish with extra care this year. Practicing good catch-and-release techniques will help ensure we have fish in the future.
Trout fishing is open year-round upstream of Slide Creek Dam and in tributaries in this section. Fishing above Slide Creek Dam can be a great idea after the snow melts