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Idaho Fish Report

Commission approves emergency fall Chinook conservation hatchery program for Coquille River

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

SALEM, Ore.—ODFW and the Coquille Indian Tribe will cooperatively implement an emergency fall Chinook hatchery program for the Coquille River to boost natural production of this severely depressed stock of fish while other steps are taken to reverse its decline, the Commission decided today.

Wild adult returns of Coquille River fall Chinook used to average about 8,000 - 10,000 fish yearly. Since 2018, runs have declined dramatically due to predation by smallmouth bass, with adult returns ranging from a low of 275 to a high of 900.

Non-native and illegally introduced smallmouth bass prey on out-migrating juvenile Chinook and thrive in the Coquille's warmer summer water temperatures and lower flows. Non-native striped bass, present for decades in the Coquille, also prey on juvenile salmon.

“The ability of the fall Chinook population to sustain itself is at risk and these fish could be extirpated,” said Chris Kern, ODFW West Region Manager. “The conservation hatchery program is an emergency measure to prevent extinction of the population and preserve its genetic legacy while limiting factors like predation are addressed.”

The program marks one of the first major efforts between ODFW and the Coquille Indian Tribe since their adoption of a cooperative management agreement in June 2022.

ODFW staff will be reporting regularly to the Commission on the status of the Coquille fall Chinook population and actions taken to address the decline.

The Commission also:
Determined role of ODFW lands for marbled murrelet conservation per the Oregon Endangered Species Act (OESA):  Where feasible, forested habitat on ODFW lands will be managed to contribute to their conservation and all relevant ODFW lands will continue to implement the survival guidelines for the marbled murrelet. The Commission also directed staff to consider surveying where patch size and forest structure indicates increased potential for murrelet nesting habitat and consider options to contribute to protection of adjacent high quality or potential habitat.

Adopted 2023 Sport Fishing Regulations: The few changes adopted today for 2023 regulations include moving to catch-and-release only for wild rainbow trout in the Fall River to help conserve wild populations. Bass fishing regulations will be standardized in streams (to no size and number limits) to both simplify regulations and help conserve native species where they overlap with bass populations. See the complete list of proposals which was passed by the commission as recommended by staff .

Other changes to sport fishing regulations already adopted by the Commission and the Oregon State Legislature will also take effect in 2023, including the Rogue-South Coast Plan . Beginning next year, a new Rogue-South Coast steelhead validation ($2 for residents / $4 for non-residents) will be required to fish in SW Zone rivers from the Elk River south to Winchuk River. A Rogue-South Coast wild steelhead harvest card ($10 for residents / $20 for nonresidents) will be required to retain wild steelhead in these rivers. Funds generated from these new products will support research and monitoring of steelhead in the Rogue-South Coast region.

After hearing a presentation on beaver management in Oregon, the Commission voted to support the recommendations of the Beaver Management Work Group including prioritizing landscape management options to increase beaver modified floodplain and integrating agency efforts to increase landscape scale restoration. 

A recording of today’s meeting is available at ODFW’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLleHsPDijGY1Jg_ubYFd7siAECfqzbrp 

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, August 4th, 2022
Dory boat captain loses right to fish after multiple poaching incidents
Crooked River: The Crooked River is flowing at 181 cfs below Bowman Dam
Davis Lake: The water level remains extremely low
Deschutes River- Lower: Emergency steelhead angling and retention closures on the Deschutes River have been extended
Lake Billy Chinook: Bull trout fishing has been slow and kokanee fishing has been a little better
Prinevile Reservoir: Trout fishing continues to be good
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers should expect to see fewer kokanee in Wickiup Reservoir this year
Green Peter Reservoir: This reservoir is still mostly full
Santiam River ( North Fork) : The gate at Green’s Bridge is now closed for the summer
Trail Bridge Reservoir: Trail Bridge Resevoir Update
Nehalem River: Nehalem River Fishing Report
Nestucca River: Summer steelhead fishing continues to be fair
Trask River: Cutthroat trout fishing is good in the Trask River
Wilson River: Wilson River Fishing Report
Coos River: Anglers are still catching decent numbers of rockfish around the jetties
Diamond Lake: Recent surveys from anglers show some great success by those targeting brown trout
Eel Lake: Trout fishing has slowed down but anglers can still catch the occasional trout
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant anglers were having luck on the 500 recently stocked pounder
Illinois River: Trout fishing is open through Oct. 31
Lemolo Lake: Anglers have been doing well at Lemolo
Rogue River - Middle: Wild steelhead retention is closed hatchery steelhead retention remains open
Rogue River- Upper: The summer steelhead run has been very good this year
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): the upper river above Lost Creek is a great destination for the trout angler