Idaho Fish Report
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
CWD elk check station in Blodgett Nov. 12
The check station will be at open 8 a.m. to dusk. All passing hunters who tagged an elk are required to stop. Find more details.
New Rogue-South Coast Steelhead Validation and Harvest Tag go on sale Dec. 1
Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, all winter steelhead anglers in the Rogue Basin and on the south coast will need a Rogue-South Coast Steelhead Validation from Dec. 31 to April 30. (In the initial year, the season is Jan. 1 to Dec. 30.) In addition, anglers will need a new harvest tag to keep wild winter steelhead in this area.
The new validations will provide more accurate harvest information and close annual harvest loopholes on certain daily licenses. Learn more about this new validation and harvest tag.
Free Fishing Days Nov. 25 & 26
If you’re wondering about how to entertain family and friends over the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend – why not take them fishing? The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving are Free Fishing Days, which means you won’t need a license, tag or endorsement to go fishing anywhere in Oregon that’s open to fishing. Read the fine print.
Find game bird harvest statistics
Harvest statistics from ODFW wildlife areas are posted online. Use them to help plan your next duck hunt.
Best bets for fishing
Two words for weekend fishing – “salmon” and “trout.”
- The recent rains have brought river levels up and put returning salmon on the move. As water levels stabilize later this week, be ready to hit the water for Chinook and hatchery coho.
- As the water gets colder and ice begins to form, trout fishing can slow. But before that happens, trout will be eating eagerly, trying to bulk up for the winter.
- Check the zone reports for locations near you.