Idaho Fish Report
Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater River in Idaho just keeps getting better and better!

Photo Credit: Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth/ Eric Wilcox, fishing guide for Swiftwater Outfitters
by Eric Wilcox
Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater River in Idaho just keeps getting better and better! This father-son team hooked 25 steelhead in 2 days. Sometimes everything just comes together right. It did for these guys! Here's a few pictures of some of the fish and I think this is an foreshadowing of how good it's going to be this year. The spring 2023 steelhead season on the Clearwater River in Idaho it's not one you want to miss out on! This is the best run we've seen in 12 years and it isn't like this every year. We urge you to book a trip if you're sitting on the fence or haven't yet. We have a few days left available between now and mid-March to fill before we're all booked up for the spring. I am guiding for Swiftwater Outfitters and we would love to get you out on the river for this exciting spring steelhead fishing action! Message for available dates and prices.
Eric Wilcox is a guide for Swiftwater Outfitters if you would like to go fishing with him contact him at Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth Send Message