Idaho Fish Report
Marine Area 1 recreational salmon season update
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Allows retention of wild coho.
Effective date: Aug. 26 through Sept. 30
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Marine Area 1.
Rules: Daily limit 2 including no more than 1 Chinook. Chinook min. size 22”. Coho min. size 16”. Other salmon species no min. size.
Reason for action: Percentages of adipose marked coho have been lower than expected in ocean salmon fisheries this season. Quotas have been adjusted downward in a manner to ensure that impacts to wild coho are not increased from preseason expected rates and will remain within conservation limits by allowing their retention.
Additional information: Columbia River Control Zone is closed to fishing for salmon, except open to fishing from the north jetty when adjacent waters north of the Control Zone are open to fishing for salmon or the Buoy 10 fishery is open to fishing for salmon.
Marine Areas 1 through 4 are scheduled to close Sept. 30, but areas could close earlier if quotas are met.
Information contact: Fish Program 360-902-2700.