Idaho Fish Report
ODFW Recreation Report

Big game hunting forecast
Elk and deer archery seasons open this Saturday. Here what ODFW biologists have to say about over-winter survival and early season hunting conditions. Check out conditions for your hunt.
Game bird hunting forecast
Grouse, mourning dove, and western Oregon quail hunting open Sept. 1 and biologists predict an excellent year for upland birds but a mixed bag for waterfowl. Learn more.
Hunting, fishing during fire season
With several active wildfires throughout the state, hunters and anglers will want to stay up to date on access, closures and air quality conditions. Find links to closure and access restrictions here, and check air quality here.
E-tagging tips for hunters and anglers
It's important for both hunters and anglers to tag their harvest immediately, which means they'll need to know how to navigate the MyODFW app outside of cell phone range. Here are some tips e-tagging in the field.
Holiday weekend fishing
A bit of cooler, wet weather has improved fishing in many places just in time for the holiday weekend.
- Cutthroat trout on north coast – recent counts indicate above average numbers of fish.
- Half-pounder steelhead are starting to move into the lower Rogue.
- Coastal fall Chinook – cooler temperatures and a bit of rain should have fall Chinook moving from bays and estuaries into lower river reaches.
- Trout are likely rejuvenated from some cooler water temperatures that should be making them more active and willing to bit..
- Ocean salmon and albacore fishing have both been good.
Changes to longleader bag limit
The offshore longleader fishery gives anglers an opportunity to catch more fish and to distribute effort away from nearshore species. On Sept. 5, the daily bag limit return to 10 fish per angler. Learn more about the gear and the fishery.