Idaho Fish Report
The Clearwater River in Idaho is doing well!

Photo Credit: Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth/ Eric Wilcox, fishing guide for Swiftwater Outfitters
by Eric Wilcox
The Clearwater River in Idaho is doing well! Here are some fish from the weekend. Thank you to all of you who have put your faith in me and booked trips! Now it's time to get 'em while the gettins' good. I love side drifting roe this time of year. I am guiding for Swiftwater Outfitters. Please hit send message button with questions and inquiries. Comments do not get a prompt reply. I have dates available from late November through mid March. Let's get you booked for a trip on the Clearwater River in Idaho for the world famous B-run Steelhead exclusively found in Idaho!
Eric Wilcox is a guide for Swiftwater Outfitters if you would like to go fishing with him contact him at Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth Send Message