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Idaho Fish Report

Chinook fishing has remained fair in Nehalem Bay

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Chinook fishing has remained fair in Nehalem Bay although the "bites" have been somewhat sporadic. Most of the early returning "summer" Chinook have moved into the river and we are into the more traditional Fall fish now. This weeks rain is probably moving some of them into the lower Nehalem River as well. ‌

Due to a below average forecast the bag limits for wild Chinook salmon have been reduced. See the Regulation Updates section above for details.

Hatchery and wild coho are in Nehalem Bay with plenty of fish jumping, and some biting. Hatchery coho in Nehalem are the first return of adults from the wild broodstock program, as such run timing should extend further into the fall than it has in the past. There should be a few hatchery coho moving into the lower portion of the North Fork Nehalem on this week's rain.‌

The wild coho fishery in Nehalem Bay opened Sept. 9. The fishery is open two days a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays, from Sept. 9 to Oct. 18. See the Regulation Updates section above for details.

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