Idaho Fish Report

Steelhead fishing has slowed as cooler winter weather has begun to set in

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Steelhead fishing has slowed as cooler winter weather has begun to set in. However, steelhead will be available in the Imnaha throughout the winter and into spring. Bait, jigs and flies can all be effective ways of targeting steelhead in the Imnaha River.‌

Anglers should remember that Chinook salmon and bull trout may be encountered in the Imnaha River. They cannot be harvested and must be released.

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Steelhead anglers have been successful with small black jigs fished under bobbers, and fly anglers have caught steelhead using black...... Read More

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, November 17th, 2023

ODFW Recreation Report
Low meat yield means commercial Dungeness crab season delayed