Idaho Fish Report
This cold snap won't last forever!

Photo Credit: Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth/ Eric Wilcox, fishing guide for Swiftwater Outfitters
by Eric Wilcox
This cold snap won't last forever! It will pass and then it will be time get after the spring Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater River in Idaho. Here are some February caught Steelhead that my wife Lacy and landed while side drifting one of our favorite holes on the upper Clearwater. Don't miss out on your chance to land these beautiful creatures! I am guiding for Swiftwater Outfitters. I have some available dates for February and March. Please hit send message button with questions about prices and availability. Break your cabin fever and get in the boat!
Eric Wilcox is a guide for Swiftwater Outfitters if you would like to go fishing with him contact him at Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth Send Message