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Idaho Fish Report

Trout season opens in the streams on May 22

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

There won't be much fishing opportunity here until trout season opens in the streams on May 22.

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
Campbell Reservoir: Catch rates for largemouth bass and bluegill should be improving
Fourmile Lake: The Lake is blocked by snow and is currently 41 percent full
Gerber Reservoir: Best place to fish for perch is at the north boat ram
Upper Klamath Lake: Fishing from shore at Howard Bay and Shoalwater Bay continues to improve
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: The lake was stocked with trophy rainbow trout this week
Lost River: Fishing bait for brown bullhead is your best bet
Sprague River: The river remains very high and turbid
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate is good bet for trout anglers
Ben Irving Reservoir: This should be a good time to fish Ben Irving
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Should be some good trout fishing now
Diamond Lake: Ice is off Diamond Lake and when conditions allow, fishing should be good
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 71 percent full and continues to fill
Empire Lake Lower: Empire Lake Fishing Report
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is 62 percent full
Floras Lake: The lake was stocked with trout this week
Galesville Reservoir: Stories that some of the trophy trout have been caught
Garrison Lake: The 12th street boat ramp has an improved ramp and docks
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is 50 percent full
Lake Marie: Fishing should be good this week
Lemolo Lake: The resort KOA opens May 1‌
Lost Creek Lake: Trollers have had good late winter success at Lost Creek
Rogue River- Lower: Rains this week have improved fishing conditions for spring Chinook
Rogue River - Middle: Flow is currently clear and slowly dropping in the middle Rogue
Rogue River- Upper: Lots of winter steelhead are present in the upper Rogue
Alsea River: The Alsea River closed to steelhead on April 30

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