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Idaho Fish Report

Three Rivers has a spring Chinook showing up in moderate numbers

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Anti-Snagging Gear Restriction went into effect on Three Rivers on May 1. Leader length must be between 18 and 36 inches and only one single point hook 3/8 inch gap or less may be used. See Anti-Snagging Gear Restriction Rules on page 18 of the regulation booklet.‌

Three Rivers has a spring Chinook showing up in moderate numbers. Not many summer steelhead yet but hopefully last weekend's freshet will improve that.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
Hat Rock Pond: Hat Rock Pond Report
Umatilla River: The spring Chinook fishery on the Umatilla River is open currentl
Crane Prairie Reservoir: The reservoir 87 percent full
Crescent Lake: Recent reports of good fishing for large brown and lake trout
Haystack Reservoir: Haystack is currently at 80 percent full
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer Lake is now accessible
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 96 percent full
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 98 percent full
Wickiup Reservoir: The reservoir is 67 percent full
Breitenbush River: The Breitenbush River will not be stocked with trout this year
Detroit Reservoir: Detroit Reservoir is full and all boat ramps are currently in the water
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir is beginning to fill and the water level is rising
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level in Green Peter continues to rise and is now only 10 feet below full pool
McKenzie River: Fishing for summer steelhead has been good and spring Chinook should be heating up
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Flows are currently around 1,400 cfs where it flows into Detroit Reservoir and dropping
Santiam River (South Fork): Flows are currently in great shape, about 1,560 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Alsea River: Trout fishing is back open on the Alsea!
Nestucca River: The river is at near winter flow levels
Salmon River: The Salmon River is back open for trout fishing!
Siletz River: This last week we saw our first summers reach the trap, bright and chrome!
Trask River: A good freshet over the weekend brought the Trask to winter flow levels
Wilson River: Trout fishing should be fair to good throughout the river
Agate Lake: Agate Lake Report
Applegate Reservoir: All boat ramps are open as well as Hart-Tish
Chetco River: Cutthroat trout are scattered throughout the river

Includes updates to fishing, crabbing and clamming   Free Fishing Weekend, June 1-2‌ On FFW you won't need a license, tag, validation or...... Read More