Idaho Fish Report

Release of hatchery summer steelhead

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Wilson gets a release of hatchery summer steelhead and those fish throughout the river. There are quite a few fish holding in the upper river but they are a little lock-jawed (difficult to get to bite). Fishing first and last light and using subtle presentations will up the odds of hooking one, lures can be effective at enticing a territorial bite in these conditions as well.‌

Trout fishing should be fair throughout the river. The upper river has good water temperatures for this time of year that should keep fish more active.

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

John Day River: Bass fishing remains a good bet
Alsea River: Trout fishing is back open on the Alsea!
Kilchis River: Cutthroat trout fishing should be fair to good
Nehalem River: Fishing is picking up a little
Nestucca River: Summer steelhead are in the Nestucca
Salmon River: The Salmon River is open for trout fishing!
Siletz River: The Siletz is definitely picking up steam
Siuslaw River: The Siuslaw is open for trout fishing!

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, August 6th, 2024

Necanicum River: Trout fishing should be fair to good
Tillamook Bay: There is still some opportunity at Tillamook Bay