Idaho Fish Report

Winter steelhead should be in the Kilchis

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Winter steelhead should be in the Kilchis River. There are no hatchery releases on the Kilchis, so it is mostly a catch and release fishery for wild steelhead. The Kilchis is in decent shape now but may be on the low side by the weekend.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, January 8th

Grande Ronde River: Steelhead fishing is slowing
Imnaha River: Fun Trout and Whitefish Fishing
Wallowa Lake : Cooler Months are a Great Time to Fish the Wallowa
Wallowa River: Steelhead are moving into the Wallowa River
Deschutes River- Lower: Trout fishing can be slow
Hood River: Check flows before you go!
Lake Billy Chinook: Anglers report good winter fishing
Detroit Reservoir: Fishing can be surprisingly good
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Pond Stocked With Trout
Green Peter Reservoir: The reservoir is slowly refilling
Junction City Pond: Pond Recently Stocked With Trout
Leaburg Lake: Leaburg Lake Updates
McKenzie River: McKenzie River (below Leaburg Lake) Updates
Middle Fork Willamette: Middle Fork Willamette Updates
Quartzville Creek: River Not Yet Fishable
Row River Pond: Row River Pond Updates
Santiam River (South Fork): Drier weather expected to change flows
Timber Linn Lake: Timber Linn Pond Updates
Alsea River: Varied success at the hatchery holes!

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, December 20th, 2024

McKenzie River: Koi illegally dumped into McKenzie River prompts ODFW response
ODFW Recreation Report