Idaho Fish Report
Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater River in Idaho!

Photo Credit: Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth/ Eric Wilcox, fishing guide for Swiftwater Outfitters
by Eric Wilcox
Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater River in Idaho! The spring Steelhead season is in full swing and 2 dates have come available, March 12 and 13. These are dates usually have nice warm weather! Also, these are the only dates available between now and mid March. Don't miss out if you've been waiting to get in on the upper river drift boat smash-fest! I am guiding for Swiftwater Outfitters. Please hit the send message button for inquiries and questions.
Eric Wilcox is a guide for Swiftwater Outfitters if you would like to go fishing with him contact him at Clearwater Steelhead Salmon Smallmouth Send Message